What is your ‘WHY’:
Over time I realised I had a pattern. When I was required to be a mother or a wife or a daughter or a sister, I always played my best foot forward. This clearly meant I was a strong and determined person but then when it came to making career choices, I realised I really was not playing my A game. There was certainly something lacking, either I’d get too easy going or just too complacent easily.
This really made me think – does this mean I don’t take my career seriously or is it I don’t know how. Well! Unfortunately, the answer to both, if I really looked deep within, was ‘yes’. I could not understand how the first one could be true. As much as I wanted to deny this, this looked like the truth.
On deeper introspection I realised it wasn’t that I was not ambitious, it’s just that my ‘why’ for having a career was not big enough.
So for people like me who started with the thought of having ‘my own money’; truth is when we hit a roadblock, and the same money comes by easily because we are blessed to be in families where monetary support is there, we tend to become easy going. Yet for some others of us who want to make a difference in people’s lives, when we think we have touched at least some lives and made difference there, the ‘why’ here also starts to fade off with time. So how do we keep the fire burning?
The only answer to this is – your ‘why’ to do something has to be big enough, it has to be your raison d’être- the purpose of your existence. It has to be emotional and found within one-self. It should be the one that makes you get up every morning, the one that creates the drive in you to work. Because the simple truth is reasons that are not connected within you, will always stay outside of you. It can be a good reason to start but it never has enough fuel to continue. So find what shakes you from within. What doesn’t make you stop even when things become difficult. Your ‘why’ has to be within and not without.
If any of you is looking for solution and don’t know how to find your why, or don’t know how to move forward after hitting a roadblock, I will be happy to help you.. I’m just a phone call or a msg away
P.S.: the above examples are mine. I’m not suggesting that’s the case with everyone.