Day after day we keep hiding our uniqueness as if it was our weakness. Our uniqueness is what makes us us, it makes us individuals. We often give our uniqueness different names- some call it their weakness, while some call it their quirkiness. Some even call them ‘flaws’.But I… I like to call them individuality.
So often we are shamed for the little quirkiness we have. As a result, we go on and try to hide it. But for what? To fit into someone else’s definition of normal? To please others?What we don’t realise is every time we hide our individuality we rob a little bit of us from us and then wonder why we are so unhappy! As if that’s not enough we transfer the same fears into our children. For example,
The child is very stubborn- so we ask him/her to behave like others!
The child is short tempered- in stead of helping him/her to be able to process emotions, we try to impose our idea of right and wrong on them.
The child is reserved- we concentrate on that in stead of focusing on the child being observant.
We kill their uniqueness and then think why they don’t stand out!
So let’s make a pledge – in stead of making others work on their quirkiness, we will work on ourselves around that. In stead of forcing our righteousness on our kids, let’s show them and teach them kindness and compassion. In stead of concealing our flaws with make up, let’s wear them like a crown. In stead of calling them our weakness let’s call them our strength. Let’s take a vow to not be judgemental just because someone else flaws differently than us. Let’s all become truly flawsome!